 :  : x .
:  : ()
:  : 
-  8,000 
Name : Sunattra Kongvach Size : x cm.
Academy : Ban Kongvach Art Literature : Many Lives (Nori)
Title : Home, Temple and School Medium : Mixed media
Code : 13-017 Price : 8,000 THB
 
Nori learnt Thai lesson from a monk at the temple. One day, her mom came to offering food to the monk. The
r her higher education.
That made her mom think about it and decide to send her to stay in Ayudhaya where Nori could pursue her study.
Nori grew up there and she was so bright in Thai subject that nobody can be comparable. Her teacher always
complimented that she was good at Thai essay writing.
 
 
 
 
 
Generosity has been long practiced in Thai society for ages. The important three pillars: home, temple, and
school, have long established and has been dependable in our society. My paint
monk as her teacher. Her family supports her life. Temple supports her lessons. Consequently, she accomplished her
education. My paint reflects the beauty of happiness and relationship in Thai society. I want to tell the story of
sharing in the society in order to preserve and carry on happiness.